Humbled in the Truth

This past weekend I attended the Christian Character Weekend as part of my SFC formation. It was a blessed experience simply being a participant, taking everything in, and not worrying about serving. All the sessions were great but the first one given by Fr. Anthony Ho is what spoke to me the most. His was all about what it means to have the character of a Christian, and the main characteristic he talked about was humility.

Fr. Anthony’s session was very humbling. He helped me to see what true humility is, that it’s found in the Truth, and the Truth simply is. The Truth doesn’t hide anything; so too being humble is about not hiding. It’s about removing the fig leaves and exposing my entire nature, everything I am with all my weaknesses, sinfulness, and the need for total dependance on God’s grace. He helped me to see myself—a child before my Heavenly Father, having recourse to His mercy in Jesus through Mary.

I was reminded of very important aspects of being a Christian, that is, to be humble, admit where I am as a person, allow Jesus to meet me there, and do whatever He tells me in order to grow in holiness.

Here I am, Father. You know my heart. You know how weak I truly am. Lord, make haste to help me because I truly need You. I fall too easily to temptation in my thoughts and in my words, in what I do and what I fail to do. Help me to be humble and not to pretend that I am anything greater. Purify my intentions, lead me with Your Holy Spirit, have mercy on me, and please walk with me always.