More Opportunities To Love

Continuing in my third year of serving as a Mission Volunteer has allowed me to see the beauty and witness the challenges of the mission. It has revealed to me my own weaknesses, strengths and has showed me a glimpse of where the Lord wants me.

As this is the third year continuing, there have been many questions and thoughts that have come into
my mind.

First, PRAISE GOD for another year! God is so GOOD!! I’ve been filled with so much joy and happiness knowing that the Lord has called me to continue. It has given me a sense of hope and also peace in my heart.

Then, asking the Lord why He called me to another year of being a Mission Volunteer. The program consists of two years of discernment.. but then He blessed me with three years!

Lord, why did you extend me? Why wasn’t I asked to step down or be endorsed?

Throughout the process of deliberations my mind and heart became restless. The questions continuously being asked were, “Where do you want me Lord?” and “Where do you want me to serve You?”

He then answered:

“My child, continue to be patient. I want you to stay where you are now, serving your brothers and sisters in your area and know that I have called you to be still until the time is right. I have called you to another year of discerning as a Mission Volunteer because I want to give you more opportunities to love here, where you are right now. I want to be able to prepare your heart and make your desires, My desires for you. Trust in Me and always remember My love and mercy.” 

I was given peace and He affirmed me that He just wants me to give more of myself.

To take this year as an opportunity to love more, give more, and serve more.

Never be afraid to love more.


Benedictus Deus in Saecula

Published by

Nikki Dionisio

2 Corinthians 12:10

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