Mission: Intimacy with God

God calls us to be detached, but attached to Him.

Expecting, voids the trust in God’s plan.

We tend to seek comfort in others or in material things when we struggle or when we are challenged. I keep telling myself that I am not attached to the material world and if something got stolen it would not phase me, because I am not attached to those objects. However, I realized that I was attached to something else and this attachment may be a hindrance to loving God fully. The attachment to others and the feelings of comfort we expect from them.

How many times do we run to a family member for support and guidance when we are distressed and become disappointed when they can’t?
How many times do we ask a friend for advice or need them to be there when we need, but when they can’t we become upset?

But when we dwell on the fact that they, (our family, friends, significant others) are unable to follow through and we become upset, we forget who we should have turned to first; God. Our family, friends, and significant others are gifts from God…and when we do not turn to God first we sometimes forget that they are gifts and we become fixated on the negative emotions. But God does not want this for us!

In reflecting upon this I recognize that I am guilty of this countless of times and realize how ‘affectionate’ our God really is! How He wants me to turn to him first, to run to Him when I am in need. Being in mission reminds us that, it is truly you and God in the end. Away from all things, away from all friends and family…this is where God draws us even closer and where we are able to bring Him tighter.

Mission work is creating intimacy with God. When I am in mission it is the most personal you become with God, the most real. It is when we are real when we are able to fully be aware of Gods love for us. God wants us to fall for Him and to seek comfort in Him…to fall in love with Him.

I am falling more in love with The Lord each day.

“I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me” (Proverbs 8:17)

One thought on “Mission: Intimacy with God”

  1. “Mission work is creating intimacy with God. When I am in mission it is the most personal you become with God, the most real. ”
    -Love this~

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