Mission Brings Forth Unity

(March 30-April 5)

Travelling 14 hours from Vancouver I arrived in Manila then after waiting from 5 hour delay from Manila to Palawan, I finally arrived being able to attend the Social Action activities of Pre-Icon. After experiencing two ICON’s in the past years I couldn’t believe that I was here the third time. Stepping foot on Philippine ground, breathing in the humid air, I asked the Lord “Why do you want me to experience another year?”

SA (Social Action) consisted of three days of YFC advocacy related activities. I met my group mates for SA who named our group “Chaolong” (which is a Palawan delicacy). We visited children who were abandoned in the orphanages, we planted 600 mangrove trees in the river, we met prisoners hearing out their stories, and did random acts of kindness around Palawan. This was where I felt affirmed of why I was here  in the Philippines the third time. God wanted me to experience and see Him in every place we went and in everyone that I met. He didn’t want me to experience it alone but with my brothers and sisters. 

He wanted me to see Him in each brothers and sisters from YFC all over the world, in every abandoned child witnessing glimpses of hope, in the stillness of nature, in the inspiring testimonies of each men in the prison, and in each random person I encountered with kindness. I was reminded that when we experience life with one another it becomes a journey.

In mission, God reminds us that we cannot do it alone. Yes, we each have our own personal mission but it is through the people we encounter and journey with who allow us to live out the fullness of life. Experiencing His greatness as one, inspiring one another as a whole, and living out our purpose as followers of Christ. When we are one in unity with one another, we are one with Christ. Mission brings forth unity.


Benedictus Deus in Saecula


Published by

Nikki Dionisio

2 Corinthians 12:10