
” We are not called by God to do extraordinary things, but to do ordinary things with love” – Jean Vanier

This week I’ve been contemplating on my intellectual capacity and ability in understanding God. This is my first time in 20 plus years where I did not have to go to school in the Fall. It’s only been a month since school started…and a part of me secretly misses it. I’ve been preoccupied with deciding on which books should I read, if I should take up a supplemental theology class, or should I just ask a Priest. My craving for knowledge continues…

How can I know God…
With the appropriate intellectual understanding.

Today, The Lord wanted to remind me and reveal to me something greater.

I went to mass this evening with my family at my local Parish.
As we stood up for the entrance hymn, I watched the Priest, he Deacon, the Lecturers, and the altar Servers passed by.
I noticed one Altar Server in particular…
She was the one holding the cross up.
She had the biggest smile
She’s about my height 4″11…a little shorter
She had short curly hair, with glasses
She looks like a 14 year old
But when I looked closer I realized that I’ve see her before…she was the same girl who was altar serving more than 10 years ago.
So in reality she would be in her late 20s
You can see that she was different from the other 3 boys
But she didn’t seem to care

As she held the crucifix between the palm of her hands.

I observed her
Knowing when to bring up the water
Knowing when to it was time for the Eucharist
She knew each segment of the Mass
And did every gesture with a smile.
She knew that her service was for Him…
And no one else.

I realized that what that girl has is something that I would not have been able to learn in class or from a book…

Though her intellectual capacity may not be like mine
It was clear that her HEART for The Lord was bigger than mine

” My Child, I do not care what you know…it is how you love that pleases me”


Lord God,
Thank you for continuously pushing me to step out of the box. For reminding me that You O, Lord are far greater than what we believe we can encompass in our minds. Instead of being so fixated with gaining knowledge and concerned with the types of books I wanted to hold in my hands...I should have been more concerned with being able to hold YOU in between the palms of my hands. Lord allow me to continuously seek you with my heart and not with my mind. Teach me to love infinitely and beautifully, just like you. Amen. 🙂

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