I exist and I am loved

Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada — Morning Reflections (2008) by Trevor Nerbas (Photographer)

I recently came across a few posts on Facebook that demonstrated that a single human person is so minuscule amongst all the billions of human beings and the different life forms on this earth. The purpose of these posts, I think, were to disprove that the individual human person is not relevant and furthermore, could not possibly be loved by a god or God (whom the creators of these posts believed didn’t exist in the first place).

Initially when I read these Facebook posts, I couldn’t help but scoff because I knew that they were completely wrong. But then, as usual, my curiosity led me to further read why they believed in what they believed. As I read deeper into the posts, a thin cloud of doubt began to rain over me. I started to question, “Does God really exist? If so, how could He possibly love me when there are so many people in the world and so many different creatures that exist?”

In a split second I came back to reality and was instantly reminded of the time when I felt most loved by God. A great warmth began to calm my heart, and the cloud disappeared. I still remember that moment very clearly. It was when God personally proved to me that He existed undoubtedly and most of all, loved me completely regardless of how far I distanced myself from Him.

After I finished reading the posts, I remember not feeling disturbed or concerned by it anymore because I had all the assurance I needed to know that God existed and that He loved me because I had encountered Him at that moment and a multitude of other times in varying ways throughout my life.

Even though I was firm in my belief, God always seems to give more of Himself to me. He always seems to want to show me that it is true: I am greatly loved and His love is the reason why I exist. God came to reveal this to me when I came across this quote by our previous holy father, a day after:

“We are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution. Each of us is the result of a thought of God.”
― Pope Benedict XVI

In this quotation by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, I’m reminded that yes, the earth is comprised of a myriad of creatures, organisms, plants, and all other sorts of beautiful life forms. But, the human person is still not just a product of evolution. Rather, I am a result of a thought of God. That means God, the Great Mystery that He is, commanded that I exist and as such, He willed for me to be greatly loved by Him!

There are so many different creatures that exist and although those post-creators try to make it seem like I’m meaningless using this fact, I praise God for allowing me to see the opposite.

It is impossible for me to not recognize that order is still maintained despite the billions of people and the countless number of organisms that exist at this moment, and have lived since the earth began. It is impossible for me to not be in complete awe and wonder that Someone is guiding, directing, controlling, and connecting everything together, ensuring that I still wake up every morning and go about my day, and that I safely return home and into my bed. There is Someone who is watching over me specifically, whom loves me deeply, and that Someone is God.

God, the Master of all things, created every molecule that makes up this universe and all of its contents, including little me. A five-foot, young woman with many dreams and very little to offer Him, yet He still loves me profoundly and continuously makes this known to me in personal, intimate ways. Truly I am blessed! :’)

I am blessed to know that I exist and I am loved, but more so that God exists and that He is Love.

Thank You Lord for always revealing to me that I am loved by You. I pray for those who do not know you (yet) and have doubted or have forgotten about Your existence. I pray that every heart is open to the Holy Spirit and that we see that You are fully present in our lives. May the universe, which You have created, inspire us all to see how intricately detailed You are! May the earth, which You have created, only lead us to believe that we are blessed to live in a beautiful world! May we all believe that Heaven, which You have created, is our true home because it is simply where You want us to be.

Amen. Ad majorem Dei gloriam. <3

Published by

Kleah Zara

God, Catholicism, Family, Friendship, Service, Marketing, Design, Movies, Music, Art. <3