
The past thirty-three days have been part of quite a journey. About 33 days ago I decided to take on “33 days to Morning Glory” with 32 other  friends. To be honest, I never really knew what I was getting into. All I knew was that at the end of it all, we would be consecrating ourselves to Mary. We would come to find Jesus through her. It wasn’t a bad idea since:

1.) I wanted to get to know Mama Mary more
2.) I needed to get over my struggle with structured prayer.

I definitely achieved those things and more throughout the last 4 weeks. There were times when I wanted to give up so badly but thoughts of “meeting” Our Lady of Guadalupe would remind me that I couldn’t. She was a specific Marian apparition that seemed to follow me around and everything she represented really spoke to my heart; the star of the new evangelization (mission) and a patron for the unborn (prolife).

I looked back to my old journal to see if I could figure out how long it’s been since she first “showed up” in my life. I remember drawing her, not knowing who she was exactly. Turns out, it was on June 12 at the Eastern Canada Mission Volunteer  SHOUT. Wow! Mama knows best. So today isn’t just her feast day, it’s also the 6 month anniversary of our friendship. And she did come to meet me again, through my own words. Written in  my journal are reminders. I might’ve just nonchalantly written them six months ago, but they ring true to the me I am today.

Here goes:


The best testimony you’ll come across is the one you’ve lived out. The best conversion story you’ll share is your own- no one can debate that out of you!

Be fearless. How?

2. Find COURAGE.

Decide on something you’re not sure of. If you want something surer, then decide with God.  If you decide with your mind, it’s as unpredictable as weather forecasting. Remember, the seat belt was built for safety but in the end, it’s all about the pilot’s ability to have control.

What we leave behind is nothing compared to what we are about to receive.  Focus on His promise.

This is all about a persistent, consistent pursuit.

In mission, you don’t fall in love- you learn to love.

Doing this preparation to consecration allowed my heart and my intentions to be further refined. It pushed me to break out old habits. It forced me to create newer ones. It made me see beauty in the woman God made me to be. To see a beauty that isn’t meant to be contained, a beauty meant to shine out to the world. I realize what the point of this whole consecration was- by imitating and following Our Lady’s virtues my life would become some sort of a star in today’s Bethlehem.

A star that leads to Christ.
A life that points to Jesus.
A tried, tested and true faith that is life-giving.
A testimony that says, “Jesus is here. Jesus is now. And He wants to meet you.”

Published by

Thea Lape

"El alma que anda en amor, ni cansa ni se cansa." || The soul that is filled by love neither tires others nor grows tired.