
Which disciple do you associate yourself with?

Most of us, including myself, wouldn’t have Judas as our go-to-guy. The sting of his betrayal resonates with everyone, even until now. A lot of us are quick so quick to judge, shaking our heads in disapproval. How could someone who claimed to love God betray him for so little? Real love has no cost, but apparently all it took was 30 silver pieces.

What possessed someone who was already part of the special twelve to turn his back on the one who gave him so much. A new life with new opportunities. But it still wasn’t enough. For Judas, if Jesus was really the Son of God- and nothing was impossible- then why did it take so long for this new revolution to begin? If Jesus was the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, then why did they still have to endure so much waiting?

He was impatient with God’s plan, so he took matters into his own hands.

Hmmm, now doesn’t that sound familiar?

I have in me, a Judas of sorts. I know that God has chosen me specifically for a purpose that only I can fulfill. I know that God loves me unconditionally because He’s shown me in so many different ways. I know that God favours me because he’s allowed me to witness so many great and wonderful things. Yet, I still find it hard to trust in Him. I still find it hard to be patient with His plans, to wrap my head around the fact that things happen in His perfect timing.

The past year God has given me the opportunity to be real with myself. I know what Judas’ thirty pieces of silver translates to in my life. I know what I’ve traded Jesus for on numerous occasions because I was tired of waiting. I made my own plans and ditches His.


He knows the weaknesses that lead to my everyday betrayals. He knows them as well as he knew that Judas would place on Christ the kiss of betrayal. Yet here I am, still receiving God’s good graces. Why? Because His mercy has no end. Indeed God is good. He is very, very good.

All we have to do is face ourselves and our actions with complete honesty- does this bring me closer or further from God? Am I serving myself and my own desires or am I dying to myself so that God’s desires can be fulfilled through me?

What God requires is not perfection, but a broken spirit and contrite heart.

Oh Most humane and adorable Jesus, Your endless grace and mercy flows forth. Before granting the gift of absolution To earnest repenters of sinful ways, You demanded a sacrificial compensation. For a wrongful act cannot be rectified Until punishment has been accepted! Yes, for the salvation of my soul, Jesus, You accepted the price of the Cross! Grant me the grace to remain free of debts, My heart remaining flawless before You, Making Your absolution truly worthwhile!

This blogpost was inspired by “Betrayal” (Matt Maher’s Day 3 of 7 Easter  Week Videos)

Published by

Thea Lape

"El alma que anda en amor, ni cansa ni se cansa." || The soul that is filled by love neither tires others nor grows tired.