Chosen, Blessed, Broken, Shared

(May 28, 2016) On Thursday was the Feast of Corpus Christi and many were gathered at our Cathedral to celebrate as one. Every year, I sit with a dear sister of mine and we whisper to each other how we wish there were more people who attended this beautiful celebration. This year, it was a blessing to see many Couples for Christ and a handful of SFCs and CFC-Youth.

It was a beautiful experience walking through the secular streets of Montreal. During the procession, the Holy Eucharist led us on St-Cahterine street from the Cathedral up until St-Patrick’s Basilica. Reflecting on this, I was reminded about the time I attended a Gift of Life conference held in Montreal last year. The speaker, Katrina J Zeno. was encouraging us to live out the Eucharistic Pattern. She described it as being chosen, blessed, broken and shared. From there on I always reflected on what she said and go back to it whenever I can.

Sometimes we feel like we can’t do things or we don’t feel worthy to do something. I know I constantly feel that way. But in reality, we are chosen amongst many. God loves us, so much, that He is constantly choosing us.

By His grace, we have been blessed beyond measure. The Lord has blessed me so much in my life and through this community. By the simple fact that I am able to breathe every se
cond is an immense blessing.

There will always be a time for suffering and brokenness. I think that we can find true beauty through suffering. If there was no such thing, there would not be joy in the resurrection. Through brokenness, we are able to be repaired by Him and in Him.

We are meant to share the love and joy of Christ. Something that has been so evident to me in the last few months is that we are all part of the Bo13323830_989822944404633_6670545807199679710_ody of Christ. We share the love, joy and peace of one another as followers of Christ. We bare the same cross as we journey alongside each other. Everything we receive is from God and meant to be shared to others, so that they too may experience Love.

The eucharist is one of the tangible signs that Christ is present in my life. I pray that I too, may be chosen, blessed, broken and shared. My journey is not only for myself, but for the people that God has intended it to bless.



Published by

MJ Ramos

A sister from Montreal, QC. Please pray for me, that I [Marie-Joyce] in the Lord always. God bless