Challenge Accepted

Last Saturday at Pacific’s BCCT (Basic Couple Coordinators Training) I was asked to give a share.

The sharer profile was a youth that
experienced CC’s bringing the youth back to their families.

Short intro, my family is not in the CFC community. I’m the only child and my parents are divorced. Living and growing up with my mom has been hard but a true blessing. Another addition to our family is her boyfriend of 7 years who is Muslim and coming from a Catholic background is definitely a challenge.

With these obstacles, evangelizing to my family, attending mass as a family, and opening up to my family about the CFC community is a challenge.

Ever since I’ve been active in the CFC-Youth community The Lord has slowly revealed Himself. This is where I thank the CC’s who have journeyed with my family and I.

CC’s have always been so welcoming and loving. Its so inspiring to see their dedication and passion to serving the youth. I know it’s inspired my mom.

Throughout my service my mom has been able to build friendships with the area CC’s. She’s been attending mass more frequently, she’s been more intrigued about what my service role is, what an MV does, what FTPW entails, and even about Handmaids of The Lord!

The Lord has been so good to my family but He’s truly shown the greater goodness of the CFC community. Wherever The Lord leads my family, I pray that it’s always towards to the Lord. We can only lead by example, so I thank God for the CC’s I’ve been able to serve with who live their lives as a true example of a leader.

Surely evangelizing is a challenge. The only way we are able to carry the cross of our challenge is to strengthen our prayer time. Making time and speaking to The Lord. Asking for Our Mothers intercession and staying close to those we’re evangelizing to.

It begins and ends with Love.

God is so good.

Published by

Nikki Dionisio

2 Corinthians 12:10

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