Build Me Up Buttercup


What am I sacrificing?

This is something I haven’t stopped asking God since that fateful day in April 3 years ago when I received His first prompting to go out and find Him in the Philippines. I asked again on May 25, 2012- after I gave a session for 2000 youth. I still asked Him on February 10, 2013 moments before submitting my MV application.  The same words resounded from the deepest parts of me, yet again earlier this year as I resubmitted my application as a Continuing MV.

I’ve heard enough stories from co-missionaries to be aware of the expectations; letting go of your dream career, rocking the family boat, #materialgainz, a life of comfort, etc. I anticipated the cut, but nothing could have prepared me for the rain that came and stayed in my life.

When there’s a pull from one direction, expect a push from the other.

As I mentioned in my previous #SHoutOutSeries post, there were 2 things that God revealed. The second (Build Me) involved two strong images- a ladder, and a series of houses.

When we give Jesus our yes, he hands us a box. We have to fill this box with the things we love most; a cross shaped key unlocks our hearts and out pours the contents (good and bad). Most of us only give one thing at a time knowing that there’s so much more hidden in the corners. No worries though, Jesus just smiles back. He takes the contents and puts it behind him. We never see anything else- just the exchange between Jesus and fellow servants.

The frustrating part  for us is that it feels as if the exchange never ever ends. God always ends up finding more things hidden in the cracks and crevices of our hearts. ‘Oh no, not this one’ we think to ourselves. But Jesus continues to just smile as if to say, “Only when you’re ready...” 

Our sacrifices become the building blocks to a staircase that leads to heaven. The more we humble ourselves, the bigger the brick. The greater the sacrifice, the stronger the cement that holds it together. That’s how it works.

Changing people is strictly God’s business, and that’s what He allowed to happen through me when I emptied myself out of….well, myself. Every time I declined a drink at a party, three leaders who wanted to step down were reinspired and decided to stay in the community. Every moment I denied myself a cigarette (#confessionsofanExSmoker) a group of individuals gained confidence to serve for a higher calling *cough* Mission Volunteer Program. When I denied myself of my own worldly desires, desires of the flesh…I allowed God to use me as His instrument.  A perfect vehicle for God’s love is a heart that has been placed in the burning furnace of His own heart.

So many beautiful and wonderful things have grown out of this community. Where we are right now, are fruits of the sacrifices from previous missionaries (even well before the MV program was created)- the original Canadian trailblazers. Maybe their sacrifices didn’t feel like it led to anything back then, but man- look at where our country is now- We have approximately 50 missionaries!!!! The lives that have been changed, families that have been renewed, marriages that have been spared divorce, singles that have found their true love, men and women who have pursued  religious orders…these are just a few things that have been borne out of someone else’s SACRIFICE.

Giving the Lord our Yes means that He can collectively take our hearts and make a house built on love– His house, where those who are wandering and lost can find shelter and comfort. I am where I am because someone else before me decided to dedicate their life to Christ. I have learned to love God because someone else used their life to witness to his saving power and grace.

Love transforms. Love heals. Love binds us and holds us together. Love allows us to find hope in this world.

To live is Christ, to die is gain(Phil 1:21)

And the next day after, when all 18 MVs attended mass God greeted us with nothing but joy & peace. From start to finish, the mass was centred on building blocks, foundations, and dwelling places.

New Doc 10_2

Lord, thank you for being our dwelling place secure and for the gift that is my service in this community. Amen.

Published by

Thea Lape

"El alma que anda en amor, ni cansa ni se cansa." || The soul that is filled by love neither tires others nor grows tired.