Blessed are they

I am reminded by a story about a YFC brother in the Philippines.  I was being approached by one of the sisters about this brother who only bought a 1 way ticket to ILC, I believe he was from Cavite and did not have enough money to go home.  What caught my attention is, “why would you come if you can’t go home” and it clicked that this brother wants to be here.  His desire to celebrate with other YFC was stronger than finding a way home because he knew he would be taken care of.  Now it brought me to this…

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled” – Matthew 5:6

This brother is filled.  Experiencing that moment humbled me because it reminded me about my desire to be with our Lord.  With our busy schedules we might lose this desire, we won’t be hungry or thirsty for what is right in our lives, instead we try to fill ourselves with things that don’t satisfy for long.  It’s obvious here that as long as we thirst and are hungry for the Lord then we will be filled.  This requires consistency, don’t stop, keep going.  In my discernment for fulltime work the desire is strong and what challenges me is will I have this desire the next day. Like that brother who wanted to go to ILC we should also have his desire to attend our meetings such as our households, our 1on1’s, and our assemblies.  Our thirst and hunger should be focused on the Lord and nothing else.  This is why we keep going, it is because of our desire and I pray strongly that we all continue to be thirsty and hungry for Him through our community of CFC Youth.
