A wife and a mother of 4 is standing outside the steps of the church waiting to enter and be welcomed by her guest on her special day. With tears in her eyes she joined her husband as they partake in the sacrament of Holy Matrimony for the first time in the 13 years they were together.

Today, I witnessed this blessing from GOD. Through this community, CFC, this family was bonded by the grace of God and is truly blest. The simplest efforts of each member of the household turned into a big celebration of love. I am proud to be part of this wonderful community.

Father’s Day

Dear papa God,

Happy fathers day. Thank you for everything. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. Thank you for making me your daughter. I am sorry for the times that I have hurt you. Im sorry for any pain or sadness I have caused you for not listening to your voice. I know despite this, you have never turned your back or abandoned me. Father, I am lucky that despite my brokeness you have never failed to embrace me with open arms.

I thank you for providing me with everything I need. For the Time, Talent and Treasures. For the people I am surrounded with, I am forever grateful. And this Fathers day, I would like to thank you for being the greatest father ever. I love you


God is bigger than your problems. God is bigger than your sins. God is bigger than any obstacles or problems.


I can do things you cannot. You can do things I cannot. But together, we can do great things.


-Mother Theresa-


As I attended the Sunday Mass for May 24, 2015. The homily of the priest struck me. It was one of those that I have never heard of or even thought of before. He talked about the Pentecost. As Catholics, we hear about this so many times. But one of the points that he brought out is this. “Although, other religions, Islam, Buddhism etc. also have similar experiences where they come before their god in prayer and they experience a revelation, there is a difference between how they experience this revelation and how we experience the Holy Spirit.”

The difference between them and us Christians is that, they experience this through individual prayer whereas God revealed Himself to us during Pentecost at a time, where all of His people where gathered in a group.” The priest called this “a meeting”. Often in our lives we have so many meetings. But we should aim for a meeting with God. Like during mass where all of us are gathered to meet the Lord. This sense of community is where we can truly feel His Holy Spirit.