
(April 6-April12)

As I attended my 3rd YFC International Conference in Palawan, Philippines this year God revealed His love for me like no other. It’s amazing how God will continue to provide even if I doubted in His plan. I didn’t expect to be sitting front row with the international delegates the 3rd time. My expenses and getting approved from work wasn’t an issue, although I thought it was. God just wanted me to trust that He would provide for everything. He did.

The theme of the ICon was “Revival”. Throughout ICon I was amazed of how great God is and I reflected on how God simply wants to show us His love. He wants us to know how much He really loves us and how much He is willing to sacrifice for us.

In CFC-Youth I am reminded of God’s love everyday. I’m reminded of why I joined my first youth camp, my first yes and my continuous yes to God. In this community I found Christ and it really amazes me of how much God is willing to love me even when I am difficult to love. I fell in love with the community once again during this Icon and through my love for the community, my love for Christ has been renewed and He has captivated my heart once again. I witnessed beauty and pure joy in every brother and sister I met. Seeing the smile of Christ in each and everyone of their faces. I am amazed by how amazing God is. When we offer Him everything, He provides more than we need or even desire.

“Revival is the love of God that built this community.”  –Kuya Lawrence Quintero

CFC-Youth is a journey of love. After 21 years of Youth For Christ the mission has remained the same; to love. God will continue to amaze me in my life because I know that His plans are far more greater than my own.

I am God’s beloved and so are you!

Benedictus Deus in Saecula


Published by

Nikki Dionisio

2 Corinthians 12:10