A Work in Progress

We will always be a work in progress, always wanting to learn something new or in need of a change in order to make room for something better.  A few months ago I began really asking our Lord for more faith and this last youth camp in Saskatoon (by the way which was such a blessing) He continued answering.

What I found was faith existed in such a way that I can become blinded both ways by its awesomeness! and by over thinking too much.  I knew that our Lord was present in my one on ones because each and everyone of them gave me faith that I’ve been seeking.  “Even though I have so many things to do or worry so much, I am still able to come to YFC and be with my brothers and sisters to worship him.”  It just shows truly how much faith existed and how much greater it was than the things they faced.  Busy schedules or even means of travel would not stop them from being able to worship our Lord because they contain the faith to fully rely on him.

I’m still a work in progress as for now I’ve been revealed that faith involves asking, obedience, trust, and action.  What more will the Lord reveal?  This just means I have to keep running this race.
