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I love coffee.
And this is why.
This is a story of when girl meets coffee…

It starts in its most natural form, exposed and unripe…naked before the sun. A green bean. Raw.

August 2010 – Alive Conference, UBC

I sat backstage
Conference was nearly over and
I continued to question why I was here

Why did the Lord allow me to come to Vancouver
Despite my hardened heart
I allowed the song to penetrate through my ear and into my heart

“Send me Lord and I will go to the place you have prepared”

At that moment
as my heart slowly thawed
I heard the Lord whisper loudly in my ear

“Hannah, I have great plans for you…Far greater than you can imagine!”

I could not deny
The Lord’s loud whisper
And only few days later I was on the airplane

As I watched it take-off
I could not hold my tears
I did not know where the Lord was taking me next

I felt challenged…but comforted
I knew in my heart that this was not the last
That from this moment things will no longer be same…

In its vulnerability and openness to the sun, it allows itself to roast. The bean expands to nearly double its size, changes in colour, and in density. Roasted.

May 14, 2014 – On the plane Heading to Vancouver after training

As I remained seated
With my hands clasped together in prayer
I noticed my chestnut tone, a reminder of where I’ve been

My shoulder leaned against the side of the plane as
I peered out the half-opened window
I recalled the last three months I spent in the heat

Where the Lord
Humbled me, pushed me, and loved me
Where He stretched, revived, and solidified my heart

I was also brought back to the first time I travelled to Vancouver
I smiled and my smile remained sketched on my face
As an array of trees, reaching to the sky seemed to catch my eye

Great plans, far greater than what I can imagine
Though I may not know what awaits me
At that moment the Lord called me to enjoy His presence

After it is grinded. If it is ground too finely, it will produce a bitter taste. If it is ground too coarsely, it will produce a faint and weak taste, with a thin consistency. The beans need to be ground perfectly. Ground.

July 20, 2014 – Last Day TNC Ignite: See Thee Rise

This was the first conference where The Lord disturbed my heart, the way He did
He reminded me that, He will never be finished with me
That this was only the beginning

I thought I could love, but He stretched my heart even more
I thought I was whole, but He tore me into pieces
I thought I knew, but He reminded me that I know nothing

He grounded me

So as I stood in His presence
Amongst 1300 plus individuals
Though my heart was disturbed, I was filled with so much joy

So much freedom
So much hope
So much trust

I worshipped proudly wearing my purple flower crown
My yellow heart and
My rosary in my hand

The Lord is grounding me here
Where it all started
Where the trees touch the sky

I was at peace

With not knowing
With where the Lord is calling me to be day by day
With His simple message

“Do not be fooled by the physiology of your heart, for what it contains cannot be contained…”

The pieces of the ground beans sit in the filter, as boiling water is being poured through. Purifying and filtering the liquid in preparation for consumption. Brewed, shared, and consumed.

August 14, 2014 – 2 shoots of espresso, hot water

As I sat by the window of the coffee shop
I leaned forward
To admire the coffee that was placed in front of me

Raw, roasted, ground and brewed

Just like our hearts
Coffee was made to be shared
We were made to love

So as I sip and enjoy my cup of coffee in its simplest form
At that moment, I realize why I love coffee so much
Simply because

The beauty of its journey

I love coffee.
And this is why.
This is a story of when girl meets God…