We strongly cultivate the “M.R.” mentality in this community. To love God means to be mission ready. To love God means to willingly and consciously carry the roles and responsibilities entrusted to us. When we serve, we allow those around us to grow and share in our relationship with Christ.

I’m a YES (wo)MAN. I’ve been saying Yes to anything and everything given to me ever since I came back in 2012. If I ever declined anything, it was on the premise that I had already committed to something else- a different event, a different ministry, etc. I strongly believed in my heart that God called me to do these things because He wanted to reveal His plans for me. Service strengthened my faith in Him, affirmed his calling for me, and always reminded me of how He has so much in store for me in the future.

When we say ‘Yes’ to God, we are saying ‘No’ to other things.

My biggest revelation in the past 24hrs is this- saying No to service (in the community) does not necessarily mean saying No to God.

We know that things are of God when every single cell of our body flourishes- thrives. Everything that is of God brings life to us and to those around us. This is not to say that when something challenges us and we feel stressed that we should just drop it and walk away. Challenges are part of service and being challenged means that there’s still so much that God is working in us.

However, our service in the community should not come at the expense of our relationship with Christ. I have so many things that I’ve willingly placed on my plate that my prayer time is suffering. There is so little peace and joy in my heart because of the burden and pressure I feel in making deadlines and delivering everything with excellence.

God should be my BAE- my ultimate Before Anyone Else

…even if that anyone= community

I cannot give something I don’t have, and if God is not in my heart while I serve then I am doing a disservice to myself and to the recipients of my service. If love is NOT abundant in my heart, then my works are empty. Love is the greatest enabler; it empowers, revitalizes,  rejuvenates, restores and heals.


God is central to my service, but service is NOT my god.

I am His daughter before I am a household head. I am His daughter before I am a Sector Head. I am His daughter before I am a Mission Volunteer. Yes, I am all these things at once, but if these titles withhold me back from acknowledging that God is #1 in my life  then I have major emotional/mental/spiritual spring cleaning to do.

He desires my attention more than my works. 

I need to love God above all else. He should be the biggest tenant in my heart. He is the one I answer to first and foremost.

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Lord, allow me to be sensitive to Your Spirit and its leading. Please remind me when I need reminding, correct me when I need correcting, and redirection when I need redirecting. I desire you above all else, and love you above all else. Continue to move within me so that I can truly behold your majesty and ponder these things in my heart just as your Mother did.
“Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.”

Published by

Thea Lape

"El alma que anda en amor, ni cansa ni se cansa." || The soul that is filled by love neither tires others nor grows tired.

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