Eyes of the Heart

 “The eye represents the heart’s intention.” – Pope Francis

After reflecting on Pope Francis’ homily in 2013 I was able to ponder this quote. I read it over and over again trying to understand what it meant. I asked God why He revealed these specific words to me and I asked myself, why does the eye represent the heart? why isn’t it the mind or the heart itself?

As I was trying to ponder these words I reflected on the word “eye“. There is something so captivating about the human eye. Some say they can read our emotions, tell if we’re lying, or even speak through our eyes. The human eye is so fascinating because each one is made different, each eye see’s differently. Our eyes represent light which allow us to see clearly. The eye witnesses, captures memories, and notices good from evil.

The eye sees everything. It sees beauty but not only beauty, the eye sees evil. In our everyday lives we see many things, our loved ones, friends, the beauty of nature and the many blessings the Lord has given us. But we don’t always see the good, we also see the homeless, the abandoned, the suffering, natural disasters, war, and evil in this world. We see the good and the evil. We witness reality.

This is where I had a clear understanding of why I was so drawn to this quote. Whenever we witness through our eyes, we ponder in our heart. We are called to see the beauty of Christ in everything which includes evil. In every homeless, abandoned, suffering person or thing we are called to witness Love. In every tragedy, natural disaster or war we are called to witness love. As we witness this love, we witness Christ, then we’re able to see the Love of Christ in our hearts.

Lord, I pray that you allow us to be sensitive to everything we witness, notice, and see. May we always ponder and reflect on why you’ve allowed us to witness these certain things in our daily life. May we be able to focus our eyes on You so that everything we see and everything we ponder in our heart is Love. 

Benedictus Deus in Saecula

Published by

Nikki Dionisio

2 Corinthians 12:10