
“You know there’s growth when God allows you to step back and feel blessed”

I’ve been pondering on a few questions:
Why should I still serve the community? Why do I agree to abide on the teachings of the Church if they’re simply made up? Why do I continue to serve the community if there are practices that I do not fully agree or comprehend?

Today I attended the Covenant Orientation in Montreal where 22 new members were present from our previous Montreal camp and from our Akwesasne Camp. It was one of the most affirming and refreshing events I’ve attended. As I sat there amongst the 22 plus people, I watched the service team pour their hearts out and listened to the sharers testify on how this community has been an instrument in their growth. What really touched me was the fact that the service team, which consisted of our new leaders…became great leaders, not because of their already acquired skill…but because they are brothers and sisters in Christ first to the members. They were changing lives and empowering others solely because of their new found love story with God and His people.

This was a powerful realization and a timely reminder.

As I watched them with water in my eyes, it allowed me to truly soak everything in and to witness the very growth that has been happening under my nose.

It was beautiful.

At that very moment I realized that, those questions I asked myself earlier are merely questions…and questions that may be answered from various perspectives, from different backgrounds, and for different reasons. Though there are times where I still ask myself, “Why do I still serve the community?” Or “Why do I agree to abide on the teachings of the Church ?” Or “Why do I continue to serve the community if there are practices that I do not fully agree or comprehend?”

These questions…they don’t really matter in the end, because the answers to these questions may be subjective.

In the end, what matters are the things that we do, the actions that we make, the practices we choose to do, those seven identities that we encompass, the one on ones that we conduct, the households that we attend, that we go to mass every Sunday, that we choose to receive the Holy Eucharist, and that we go to confession.

What matters is that through the actions that we choose to do and the practices that we encourage…I cannot deny the fact that people are able to experience God.

I cannot deny that I am able to experience God.

I cannot deny that this community has allowed others to grow closer to God.

I cannot deny that the Catholic Church has allowed others to grow closer to God.

I cannot deny that I have become closer to God.

God calls me to be honest with Him.
God calls me to be honest with myself.
I admit that I continuously experience those questions and various derivatives of them.

He challenges me infinitely.
Therefore I am able to grow exponentially.

Amen 🙂

One thought on “Growth”

  1. Praise the Lord! This would be a perfect exhortation before worship, haha. 🙂

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