Joy In Suffering

Today I was scheduled to work from 1-9pm. Usually I have Wednesday evenings off because that is when the upper core schedules our service team meetings and households. This week unfortunately my schedule was switched around to an evening shift which meant I would miss my sisters household.

As I started my day I felt really sad because I was missing household. Once I was at work I was reflecting on how I’ve been having a tough week and felt the need to be at household tonight.

During my shift, my household head and a sister from my household came from to visit me after having a one on one. “We’ll miss you tonight!” “Aww man, I really want to be there”

I wanted to go to household. I felt that The Lord was calling me to be there. I needed to be there.

After they left I silently prayed to myself, “Lord if I’m meant to be there tonight, I know you will make it happen.”

As I was getting off at work, my mom called me asking if I needed to get picked up from the skytrain. I told her yes. Few minutes after, I got a call from a sister from my household telling me that they just finished worship and that I could still make it…

Wow really God?! Your timing is so perfect! Everything could not of been more perfect.

I didn’t think I’d be able to make it to household but God paved a way!!

I was filled with joy. God is good!

As I was commuting to my sisters house I felt so happy and so joyful. Funny enough once I arrived the teaching for the night was on joy.

Seeking the joy in our sufferings. Shining light on the struggles and trials we face on a daily basis.

Although my week started off rough, I know that this was Gods way of revealing me the beauty of suffering.

He wanted me to remain joyful because He planned everything perfectly and for me to experience the fullness of His will.

He was testing my patience and how much I really trusted in Him.

“Don’t you believe that I will provide for you?”

This simple reflection has allowed me to just trust, have faith, and understand that God really has a plan. When all of our own plans fail, He will have something better prepared and it will work out for the best. He wants the best for us.

“No one who ever said to God, ‘Thy will be done’ and meant it with his heart, ever failed to find joy.”

Thank You God!!

Benedictus Deus in Saecula

Published by

Nikki Dionisio

2 Corinthians 12:10