Water Gravity

Philippines Week #4
February 26, 2014

Last weekend we had our mini getaway with the FTPW of Metro Manila. We visited two natural phenomenas. There was one place where we had to walk down a bunch of steps…deeper and deeper into nature. Once we reached the bottom I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was surrounded by a huge mountain. A mountain with trees on it and a waterfall within in the rocks. There was an oasis where we were able to swim in it and jump off the rocks. It was called Tinago Falls (Hidden Falls). It has been one of my highlights so far. I was immersed and fully surrounded by the miraculous beauty of nature! As I jumped off the rocks and just floated on my back to soak in my surroundings. I was admiring the waterfalls and asked myself:


” Why do waterfalls never stop flowing? Why do they never stop falling?”

I was caught by this phenomena and connected it with the Infinity of God.
I was brought to tears.
God’s beauty
God’s love
God’s mercy
was overflowing.

” Why do waterfalls never stop flowing? Why do they never stop falling?”

My Child,
Waterfalls never stop
Just as my love for you will never stop
No matter how many times you keep

This is a miracle

” Why do waterfalls never stop flowing? Why do they never stop falling?”

A waterfall

Is a miracle

Only nature can speak the words of God
God doesn’t want us to speak
God doesn’t even use words

He calls us to listen

And to be

Amen 🙂