Round 2

I’m usually pretty good with packing items, I tend to overpack but hey better safe then not.  Before we left for the airport I double checked to make sure I brought everything.  After security I checked the belongings in my bag and found that I’ve lost my glasses.  Turns out (thanks to St. Anthony) it was found inside the car.  We were already in our boarding gate 15 mins before departure and no way it will come to me.   Well I wondered what that meant.  I never thought I would return to the Philippines again and witness another ILC… and this time its going to be epic!  Coming here is such a blessing.  I’m nervous, excited, and scared… yeah thats an all-in-one emotion.  While on the plane I began to feel homesick, I knew at the time I have no choice but to go.  I felt I wanted to be in the comfort of my bed.  I had this little anxiety attack that I’m entering here as a missionary, a pilgrim in a island far away from home. (can’t walk home). I don’t know how many times it will hit me that I’m here in Manila.  I find that losing my glasses maybe meant that I’m coming to ILC blind so that my Lord can open my eyes.  Is there something that the Lord wants me to see? I sure hope so!  I should have a faith like that blind man in Jericho yelling “Son of David, have mercy on me!” and wish to the Lord that I may see.  This is all exciting in every way! Lord have your way!

Thank you Lord for this opportunity, please soften my heart more, I want to receive you, and experience what you’ve planned for me. Help me see, help me to understand all that I will listen to during the next few weeks and help me be open to making relationships and building more trust in you.


ps. I’m only near-sighted.

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