
“Strength and dignity are her clothing, as she smiles at the future” – Proverbs 31:25

Truly I say that verse with conviction. Two years of fashion school have been a great journey. And I’m proud to say, I’m finally finished! Praise God!

This journey has been filled with many mixed emotions about my future and where God is leading me. Through out my time in school I always questioned if this is what I’m really called to do. If what I love is truly what the Lord has planned for me in my future. With uncertainty, I stayed obedient to my service with finishing school praying for God to reveal something to me. Now that I’ve finished, I still don’t know what that “call” is but I simply smile at my future. I know that the vulnerability of my heart to God will allow me to be open to whatever He has planned.

I humbly ask for You to guide every step I make, every chance I take, even if it frightens my heart to break, I trust in You. May you keep me rooted as I step into my future as a child of your grace. Protect me Lord. 

Benedictus Deus in Saecula

Published by

Nikki Dionisio

2 Corinthians 12:10

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