Family Tree

Recently, I gave talks on the Catholic Family at five separate events for both CFC-Youth and Singles for Christ. I felt so honoured to be given the opportunity to do so because the topic is so personal to me.  I am blessed to serve CFC-Youth with my entire family, a “luxury” I know is not so easily available to all. Our house is literally our household. My parents are my household heads, and together we co-pastor the sector. My brother gets pastored in the same HH because his mission area is under the GTA West, and my little sister falls under one of the clusters that is under my current care.  I can’t praise God enough for aligning all our pathways so closely together at this time of our lives. Nothing fills my heart more. I cannot praise God enough for this.

Throughout the year, I’ve been asking myself what my stake in the mission is. My whole journey as a Mission Volunteer began with that question. It wasn’t until last weekend that I came to find that answer.

As CFC-Youth our vision is:
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but because we are a family ministry we should not forget that ULTIMATELY we are fighting to bring forth the same vision as Couples for Christ. That is,
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That’s it. Right there. That is my stake in the mission- that I come from a family that has been united with and through Christ. I belong to a family that fights for a future full of hope. I belong to a family that serves together so that others may find Christ in themselves and in the very place they come from- a home.  I want every person I meet to experience the wholeness that we have found through Christ. I want to help the youth not only desire for heaven, but to realize that they can bring heaven to their families.

I was affirmed of this calling to unite families last weekend. My dad shared, through tears, his own revelation on the importance of families at the GTA year end planning.

“When we focus on the big picture, it can be so overwhelming. There is always so much to do. So much going on all the time. We can lose ourselves in the process. But if we break it down, what you see is actually the family. That’s it. That’s actually what we are all working towards. This is why we do, what we do in the community- to see families in the Holy Spirit renewing the face of the earth.”

Everyone in the room could feel the sincerity of his words. My dad never talks a lot. Hardly. So we were all surprised. Here was a man of God, willingly and openly sharing a piece of his heart to a room full of 30+ people. He never even said this to my mom & I. My heart, could not stop expanding. It really put A LOT of things in perspective.

What is Christ’s feast- the beautiful banquet of unconditional love, salvation, redemption and mercy, the banquet of infinite grace- if those closest to our hearts cannot celebrate with us?

Jesus himself was born into a family, so what makes us think that we are better than our own? The culture of our world today focuses so much on a person’s independence that the sacredness of family life and the sanctity of marriage have been compromised. Our goal is not to make our family perfect because that can never be. Rather, our goal is to strengthen, unite and empower our family members so that we all actively work towards greater holiness!


Jesus, give us peace, unit and strength to meet the difficulties of daily living. May we use our family resources to improve the quality of life for ourselves and all people. Let us show joy in serving, for whatever we do for others, we do for you.

Mary, inspire us that our love may be strong but not possessive. Let our willingness to give depend on the needs of others rather than on the cost of giving.

St. Joseph, help us to be attentive to the Father’s will. Let us be ready, as you were, to act whenever he calls us.

Holy Family, pray for us! Amen.

Published by

Thea Lape

"El alma que anda en amor, ni cansa ni se cansa." || The soul that is filled by love neither tires others nor grows tired.

2 thoughts on “Family Tree”

  1. This reminded me of:

    Prayer to St-Joseph, mainstay of the Families (This is my favourite prayer in the votive chapel at the Oratory in Montreal).

    Joseph, Mainstray of Families

    Attentive Joseph, in Mary and you, the Divine Word
    finds a favourable environment in which to carry out
    the will of the Father; thus, you become the family of
    the Child-God.

    In your gentle life together, you experience Love daily.
    The unity of your hearts transforms life’s lessons into
    growing wisdom and grace.

    Open our hearts to the Word that lives within us,
    that our actions may bear witness to our connection
    to the family of God.

    Sustain us in our emotional commitments, where
    giving and forgiveness shape our identities.
    Grant us your tenderness in the things we do
    each day!


    Truly you blessed!

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