Cry of my Heart

When Jesus called the twelve disciples, He called ordinary people who did ordinary things. These men did not have any special education nor were they wealthy. After reflecting on yesterdays Gospel (Luke 6:12-19) it became very clear to me on why God choses people to serve. We are all called to serve the Lord in our own very personal way. Just because we are well educated or come from a wealthy family does not mean that God doesn’t need us to serve Him. We are all called, just like the twelve and we all have something different to offer. God calls us for our hearts. He calls us to be willing and faithful to Him. Not being afraid of where He will lead you but fully trusting in Him and making little sacrifices out of obedience and love. He doesn’t call us for how much knowledge we know or how well we excel in a certain thing. The Lord calls us by our hearts. He cries for our hearts to be in union with His Sacred Heart.

How much are you willing to die to yourself when the Lord calls your heart? How much are you willing to surrender? 


Published by

Nikki Dionisio

2 Corinthians 12:10