Day 2: Let The Water Flow


Beneath Faithfulness

Is Goodness

Beneath the sun
Is the rain

In the midst of
The burning heat,
The salivating dryness, and
The overwhelming chaos

I am called to
Stand still
Be Silent and

As I look up
I secretly beg the Heavens to rid me of the heat

All I see is


I look up once again
With my arms wide open
With my eyes closed

I felt God’s tear

It hit the tip of my nose
He was holding back

I opened my eyes
Looked to the sky
And whispered

” Oh Lord, you are Good!”

And the water flowed
And it flowed

It covered every inch of my body
He was preparing me for this
Preparing my body for change
5 more days until it will be revealed
Until it will be exposed
Little did I know
I have always been exposed to


How good it is
Though we tend to forget

Just like how its presence
Seem so natural to me
I tend to disregard the value it brings



So I let the rain fall
I let the water flow
And I let myself get soaked
By the goodness of The Spirit

I am





Lord God,
“Allow us to prepare our hearts to receive You despite the heated chaos, may the water cleanse us. Leaving us only exposed to You”

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