Poverty calls us to sow hope

“Poverty is someone who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or money.”

When I think of what poverty is, I see someone who lacks love, someone who lacks God. When I was in the Philippines I was privileged to experience living and building in the ANCOP Villages. I was able to spend time with the families who lived there. Though their homes were a concrete box with no electricity I was humbled by their love and joy. These families who lived in these homes knew the true meaning of life. Though they lived simply, their lives were filled with the love and joy of Christ. It made me question: What kind of life do I live? I don’t see these families living in poverty because they lack material possessions. If anything I’m the one living in poverty because of my attachment to the materialistic things of this world. In the wise words of Pope Francis, “Poverty calls us to sow hope.” Hope for the world to understand the true meaning of poverty. May we detach ourselves from the possessions of this world, live simply and love freely.

Published by

Nikki Dionisio

2 Corinthians 12:10