Why not ask

Today’s gospel really reminds me of the times I’ve asked the Lord for help.  Everyday I ask Him for help.  I’m sure we can connect here in situations like “Lord help me pray today,” “Lord help me pass my exam,” “Lord, I hope I get this job,” “Lord, help me to pray more,” “Lord, let me have this.”  And at times I receive what I pray for and other times I don’t.

What I’ve learned is that the Lord puts desires in your heart so that you can pray for it.  Our Lord always invites us to knock on His door because He is welcoming us into a room full of desires, gifts, joy, and love.  It’s also known that our Lord is someone who likes to knock on our doors too.

The biggest question I’ve asked the Lord (besides to help me with my discernment) is “Lord, I want to get to know you more.”  And from there began my relationship with Him.  Over the past 2 years I have never learned so much about the Lord and about people who share the same question as I do.  He has opened my eyes into the catechism, lives of saints, and a deeper perspective in the church.  I became really desperate to know who He is.  Through my discernment I’ve been challenged with continuing to open my doors to Him, this means allowing Him to come into my house.  Our Lord is someone who gives and He does it BIG.  He won’t give us anything else but what we deserve.  He delivers in the most perfect times, especially when we begin to desire it.

I pray in our journey as missionaries we continue to ask Him and receive Him with open arms.
