
A common reflection that the Lord has revealed to me throughout this year has been these words: BE SILENT,  LISTEN, & SEE. 

Silent your heart and your mind. The Lord affirmed me that through the calm and still posture of silence, the louder the Lords voice will be heard and the clearer your thoughts may be.

Listen. Open your ears and listen to the voice of God. He has so much to share to you, and with the busyness of our lives, sometimes the stillness of an open ear and open heart may reveal more revelations through this posture.

See. Open your eyes and be a witness to His greatness! The beauty He has planted within our lives needs to be witnessed by all. 

Allow Him to dwell your heart. The greatest posture is to trust in Him and surrender.


Published by

Nikki Dionisio

2 Corinthians 12:10