YCOM and See

It’s been a month and a half since I’ve served as an MV for YCOM. I’m finding the service is a lot different from being an Area Head in terms of the role itself, and the responsibilities that come with it. While I do miss the pastoral aspect of leading a household, I have this great sense of peace and joy that serving in YCOM is really a part of God’s plan for me.

When I first began serving in YCOM, I had a few brothers and sisters come up to me and say, “Hey, look you’re YCOM now! Didn’t you always want to serve in it? Your dream has come true!”

Praise God that this dream has come true haha! But in all honesty I totally forgot that I even had the desire to serve in YCOM because over the past 3 or 4 years I’ve developed an interest in social justice and evangelization through building relationships. But I’m considering myself extremely blessed as I learn more about YCOM and delve into its responsibilities.

At first glance, I find that I enjoy designing graphics, learning from creative people, and being mentored by my brothers and sisters who have had so much experience in this service. While I know I’m not professionally trained nor well-practiced by any means, I’m excited that I have the opportunity to grow in this service in whatever ways the Lord has planned.

At this year’s KFC Family Conference, my counterpart and I had the opportunity to serve in the DocuTeam. For myself, I can’t even begin to tell you how foreign it felt to be one of the first faces one would see in a video and how stressful it can get to post event updates on social media LOL.

For those who follow me on Instagram, perhaps you are aware that I’m still posting photos from my graduation that happened in June. It’s almost October and I’m still sifting through photos figuring out what to post next. So one can imagine how different the dynamic is from getting used to posting photos late versus posting photos as soon as possible.

Through this experience, I’m learning that YCOM is a service that demands a sense of urgency, not just in the context of a single event, but in the grandness of life itself. We live in a world which suffers greatly because many live without faith in Christ, but each time a graphic, photo, or a video is posted which aspires to share the joy of living a life for Christ and in Christ, it can make a difference, be it small or completely transformative.

The other day I was watching videos on CFC-Youth Canada’s YouTube Channel and, wow, God is amazing! Video after video, I was reminded that CFC-Youth is a gift that needs to be shared with others, not just through acts of service and through building personal relationships, but through the media, especially the digital media because this is where all the young people are today.

Today I feel blessed to participate in the mission in this particular way. I can see again that YCOM is an extremely important service tool in CFC-Youth because it can possibly spark someone’s interest in joining the community or even begin seeking a relationship with Christ. Or perhaps it can reignite someone’s desire to return to Christ, serve Him in a greater or different capacity, or to possibly remind them to simply have hope in Him. Possibly it can be the impetus to thrust someone to surrender their life to Jesus. We can never underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit.

Dear heart of Jesus,

Thank You Lord for inviting me to serve You in YCOM, and giving me the grace to see Your love is not limited to old means of evangelization, but new ways of evangelization as well. Please bless all those who serve in YCOM and to increase our faith in You.

I am excited for what’s to come in this service and for all that You want me to learn and experience, but I am in need of Your grace to be humble. I see YCOM as a service that will continue to stretch me in ways that I’m not used to because it is all still so new to me. Please give me the grace to pray and hope that I may be patient with You, with others, and with myself — just as You’ve been ever so patient with me.

I hope that in my eagerness to serve You in this service, that I can still remain calm, productive, and allow nothing to disturb my peace. Please give me the grace to love and serve with kindness and gentleness. Amen.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Star of the New Evangelization, pray for us.
St. Peter and St. Paul, pray for us.
St. Therese of Lisieux, pray for us.

Published by

Kleah Zara

God, Catholicism, Family, Friendship, Service, Marketing, Design, Movies, Music, Art. <3