“You have what it takes”

“Do you have what it takes to be a MAN?”

 One of the many questions that resounded and clung in my head during SFC Knight’s Tales last weekend.

It may sound simple but it is such a deep, profound question to a point that some boys, and men-to-be avoid it. Why? Being a man entails responsibility and discipline. It means leaving childish ways behind and to basically “grow up.” Also, the idea of manhood leaves some confused and lost especially if they don’t have a father figure in their life. Also, the man’s pride/ego can definitely hinder growth. What’s even worse is the fact that the society’s distorted view of manhood and manliness takes away its true meaning, its purity and its sacredness. The society tells us to indulge in pornography and masturbation, to take advantage of women, to party and drink like there’s no tomorrow, to be greedy, to abuse power bestowed upon us, etc.

But society’s standards are not of God. He doesn’t want us to waste our lives with worldly things. He created all of us with a purpose, a higher calling. As men, we are called to be protectors of His creation and to the ‘’Eves” He has blessed us with, to continue to proclaim His word to the generations to come and to fight for what He believes in.

Personally I haven’t reflected to the question above, let alone have a definite answer. I stumble, struggle (even to this day) with temptations. One of the questions the speaker asked during a session was “what do you think are the qualities of a true man?” Discipline was blurted out. Even with my current age, I struggle with discipline even to a point where sometimes I don’t care about improving myself, just letting myself fail or give up without fighting a battle. I struggle a lot with passivity, doubts, with overthinking that leads to laziness. But the SFC KT weekend reassured me that even though I don’t think I am at the point of saying I have what it takes, His love IS always greater whatever state I’m in. That He’s ready to take my nothingness, my lacking-ness and fill in the missing parts because…

 “I WAS, AM and WILL ALWAYS be made for LOVE because He is love and He created me out of His love.”

Through SFC KT, God wanted me to know that He sees me as a man…that I don’t need to prove to anyone my manhood because He ALREADY affirmed me by giving me the desires to battle, to love and to adventure. He already affirmed me when He gave me the gift of faith. He already affirmed me that I’m strong by choosing Him over the world. He just wants me to trust in Him, to give Him control over my life, my inclinations, my imperfections, to allow His love to transform me.

Being a man is not being the mightiest because only God holds that title. Rather, as men He calls us to be strong in our faith, to be strong in our will to avoid the worldly things that lead us away from Him, to be courageous in advocating for His word. So as much as the journey being a man in this world is challenging, I’ll try my best not to give up because

“The Lord never gave up on me and He never will”

God never gave up on Adam. In fact, He even sent Adam’s descendants a Savior through Jesus Christ. So brothers, I’m affirming you that you definitely have what it takes to be men of God!!! Continue to #lovemore and hope in Him.

Published by

Arvin Amo

Higher Calling | Deus Caritas Est "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13