You are the Special

Last weekend, I’ve had the chance to conduct my very first big event, YCOM Academy. The theme that we’ve discerned for was “Everything is Awesome” which was a reference to The Lego Movie. After watching the movie, a message was shown to me that helped me create parallels with the message that we wanted to convey for the event.

A single bible verse came to mind as I continued to ponder about the theme.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”-Jeremiah 1:5

Without spoiling the movie for you, I will explain how we came up with this theme.

Going from the movie trailer, you learn about a Lego figure named Emmet. Emmet is a regular, ordinary Lego figure, but was called to be extraordinary. In the movie, he is called “The Special” and the prophecy states that he is the most important person in the universe. Of course, Emmet realizes that looking at his own abilities, he is not this “Special” that everyone thinks that he is.

With that in mind, have you ever played with Lego? For me personally, I never played with Lego much. Whenever I had a chance to play with some, I would always build a jet fighter. I had even come up with a very specific design which i would like to recreate from time to time. It’s the same thing with anything you take time to work on. It might be a Lego structure, a painting, a video you’ve edited, or even a paper you wrote. A part of you is put into that creation whatever it is. And when you truly do your best, you start to believe that what you created is one of the best things ever.

This is exactly how our God feels. He has created each and everyone of us with our own abilities and characteristics. To Him, each and every single one of us is the most important person in the universe. With Him giving His best to create us, a part of Him is within each of us. How amazing is that?

Much like Emmet, sometimes we refuse to believe that we are special. We tend to downplay our own strengths, and we don’t see what the Creator sees.

I realized that I was suffering from this as well. For those of you that know me, you already know that I am known as a very shy and closed person. With that comes the fear of rejection, and the fear of not being good enough. It has driven me to take less chances, and to miss opportunities. I began to stick to my own comfort zone, and to settle for the ordinary.

These fears and doubts are what kept me from what my heart desired. I had feared my desire to apply for the Mission Volunteer program. What if I don’t qualify? What if my desires are selfish in nature? What if I can’t do this?

So now you might be wondering “What happened?”

The best way I can explain it is that I was uneasy. I was extremely uncomfortable. I thought I had a grasp on who I am, what I wanted to do, and where I wanted to be. But something kept stirring in my heart. It wasn’t until I expressed my desire to apply for Mission Volunteer, that peace came. Whether or not the program was for me, I knew that for me to find out where the Lord wants me, I need to take a step forward. I also need to have the faith that if I ever step in the wrong direction, He will lead me back to where I need to go.

Bringing it back to Jeremiah 1:5, God has created each and every one of us. He has made every detail in our lives. That includes the desires that he has placed in our hearts. We need to embrace our abilities, our talents, who we are, and who we are called to be because He is within us. Everything is Awesome because God has beautifully crafted everything and every person in this world.

Here is a quote from the movie that I feel God is trying to tell each and every one of us:

“You are the most talented, most interesting, and most extraordinary person in the universe. And you are capable of amazing things. Because you are the Special.”

Lord God, I pray that You continue to reveal Yourself within me. In this journey let me be less of myself, and more of You. I will praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Please use me as your instrument to let others know more of You, and let me never forget that you have made me Special. Amen.




One thought on “You are the Special”

  1. Super awesome Robeson! I feel like I know you a little better, which in turn allows me to understand you a little better. I feel the same way about being unworthy or under qualified sometimes, but I’ve learned to tell myself that I am made by the Loving Creator. Whatever He will call me to do, He will also equip me- whether that’s with previous experiences, my personality, or by putting me in a team that will help balance me out and teach me something new. I look forward to serving with you more! To God be the glory!

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