You Are Loved

This past Monday I had my convocation. After four years of hard work, perseverance and time spent commuting, I can finally say that I accomplished one of my biggest goals in life; surviving university.

While I was sitting beside my fellow classmates during graduation, I could not help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. If you are currently in post-secondary or have already graduated, you know just how challenging university can be at times.

During my first year of school, I experienced many moments of self-doubt and wondered if the program I picked was the right choice for me. It was not the easiest of times and I really struggled to be the model of excellence that I strived to be. Despite these negative feelings, I had family and friends who supported me all the way to my convocation. These people prayed for me whenever I had an exam, were accountable to me in making sure that I finished my assignments on time, and reminded me the importance of balancing schoolwork AND my self-care. I’d like to think that a big reason why I was able to walk across the stage with a degree in my hand was because of their unfailing support and guidance.

As I reflect back on that day, all I can hear is the Lord whispering to my heart: “Danielle, you are loved!”

I am affirmed that God sent these people in my life for a specific reason and I am truly grateful for the Lord gifting me such a wonderful group to rely on. Life is truly not meant be spent alone!

Thus, my prayer this week is that everyone will be able to find a supportive system that they know they can trust and depend on. God wants to share His love with us and one of the ways this can be done is through the relationships we have with our family members and friends. It is within these Christ-centered relationships where we are able to experience a joy unlike another other. And so, I pray that more people can have a taste of this joy in their lives.


Danielle Lape