Work work work work work

(July 10, 2016).

Today I attended this month’s SFC general assembly and the topic for the month was about being joyful in our workplace.

I am blessed to be working with young children who naturally bring joy to those who are around them. Everyday I am surrounded by children who are so eager to discover the world and everything it has to offer. From acquiring new skills, to overcoming their little fears, they are a blessing and as their educator, I feel like I learn more from them than they do from me.

Every work day, I am reminded to trust and to have the faith of a child. I am reminded that it’s ok not to know what’s ahead and to focus on what is happening in the now. I am reminded to slow down and enjoy each moment that God has blessed me with. #ilovemyjob

Heavenly Father, I praise and thank You for the work you have given me. Thank you Lord for using me to be with you children and for allowing me to experience you through them. I pray that you continue to mold me into the teacher I am meant to be, and to continue to use me for your great glory. Amen. 


Published by

MJ Ramos

A sister from Montreal, QC. Please pray for me, that I [Marie-Joyce] in the Lord always. God bless