
I was blessed with the opportunity to meet Fr. Thomas Rosica, CEO of the Canadian Catholic Media Foundation, Salt + Light. He shared insight on a very difficult, seemingly controversial, teaching that Jesus gave us last Sunday in the Gospel.

“If anyone comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.”

I initially did not understand why Jesus would ask me, or any of us, to hate my mother, father, wife, children, brother, sister, etc. However Fr. Tom explained that we need to make ourselves aware of the context and language used 2000 years ago. Nowadays, “hate” means to despite, detest or to be hostile. However, the Greek word for hate, miseo, was often used in terms of subordination. To hate something or someone meant to put it below something or someone else. In this case, Jesus is telling us that we need to put Him above our family, friends, and ourselves.

This teaching was a great reminder for two reasons:

  1. I need to put Jesus first in my life. He needs to be above everyone and everything.
  2. I need to be very mindful of what I say to others.

I often find myself putting others in front of Jesus, hurting others with my words and in turn hurting Jesus double time. I need to recognize that the words I say and the thoughts I have are relevant ways for me to choose God and charity.

Lord, thank You for revealing yourself to me through the Gospel. Help me to put your first in my life. May Your will be done in my life. Your words pierce my heart and give me the joy that I desire. Speak to me, Lord.



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