Wonderfully Made

It’s such a beautiful phenomenon that all over the world, specific parts of nature grow. You’ll never find cactus growing naturally in BC. You’ll never see pine trees growing in the desert. Seaweed won’t sprout out in the prairie, and you won’t find wheat underwater. You’d think it to be unfair. Why did God not just create a super plant that can grow everywhere and provide every kind of nutrient? Why have them only thrive in some areas, but perish in others?

Now imagine yourself as a blade of grass. Tiny, boring, and seemingly unimportant. Why can’t you be more like a tree? Why can’t you be more like an exotic flower? Why can’t you provide like wheat does? There seems to be something wrong with grass if it can’t really fulfill anything.

But that’s where the beauty of the Lord truly shines. Yes, you are a blade of grass, but you are not unimportant. You make up an entire ecosystem that the world needs. You provide the necessary nutrients for the livestock that the world needs. The best part is, no one else can do that job! Imagine an exotic flower trying to survive in the environment you’ve grown accustomed to. It’d whither and die trying to be like you, and vice versa. If any other plant tried replacing you, it couldn’t because you are irreplaceable. You are the only one who can do your job the best.

As creations of God, just like all of nature, we are given EXACTLY what we need to achieve the purpose we were created for. There is no use in trying to be like someone else, or feel like you aren’t made for whatever it is you are doing. The Lord created you in His image, so there’s no way He’d make a mistake.

We all have strengths that make us unique, and we should not look down upon them or see them as inadequate. We were fearfully and wonderfully made, and it’s time we see ourselves as just that.

Published by

Fred Balce

Just giving the Lord the opportunity to work in me.