Why do I seek Jesus?

Jesus answered them, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me not because you saw signs, but because you ate your fill of the loaves.’ – John 6:26

I have only found meaning and purpose in my life when I started loving Jesus back. He was always the one that took the backseat in my life. I was scared to disappoint the world because the world can be unforgiving. I know that Jesus would love me no matter what.

But love isn’t one-sided.

He shouldn’t be the only one hurting. I should be aching, longing, thirsting, yearning, and ceaselessly reaching for Him. It’s so easy to take the Lord for granted. It’s so easy for my frailty to take advantage of His strength. And what’s unbelievable is that He allows me to. He gave me the freedom to choose Him or not, to follow Him or not. He is so willing to get hurt by allowing me to make mistakes so that I may realize that truly a life without Him is an empty life. He puts Himself on the line. He gambles so much, while I stay on the safe side, governed by comfort.

Yet everyday He renews me.

He takes my heart, cleanses it and gives it back to me saying, “Go Genny, go out into the world and love Me. The world will taint your heart and you will allow it but nothing will ever stop Me from waiting for you. I made you for Myself and you will always come to Me. Don’t get tired of coming home. Allow Me to fill you again.”