Who am I?

I struggle with my sense of self-worth. I can’t seem to find who I am. I try to walk with confidence and present myself with poise and grace, but inside, I wonder if I am really so important. If I am really worth anything.

In the huge expanse of time and space, I am nothing. I am a mere dot in the immenseness that is the world. I am a sinner. I fall time and time again. Why would God, in all His greatness, choose me? Why would He want me? And why, even after all that failing, after all my sins and hurt I’ve put on Him, why would He still love me?

This sounds like a pessimistic post, but it’s not. It really isn’t. I am nothing. I am a sinner. I fail, all the time. But our God, in all His righteousness and glory, loves me. He loves me. He is the One that lifts me up, every single time. He is the One who finds me, in the midst of all the chaos around me.

And in my times of struggle, Casting Crown lyrics always find their way into my head:

I am a flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean; a vapour in the wind
Still You hear me when I’m calling
Lord, You catch me when I’m falling

And You’ve told me who I am
I am Yours.