Where It All Begun

I joined community in Southern Leyte, though I became an active member in Cebu since I was studying there. Starting from a being a member up to the time I became a Fulltime Worker, I was there, molded and fashioned by God through my brothers and sisters and Titos and Titas. Community indeed has a big impact on me.

Years after I was blessed to be back there, it was like full circle for me. Back then I look forward with excitement any FTWs coming from other places or any YFC members with interesting stories from other places that comes and visits us. I hungered for every bit of Godly teachings and sharings. It was a source of inspiration and passion for me. God seems to be more real than ever with their stories. Now I was the one in front sharing stories of mission.

I was very passionate as a Campus President to the point that I even have all the class schedule of my Officers and some members. Everytime I have free time I walk around the campus and look for them with the schedule in my hand.

Eventually after graduating university I decided to become a Mission Volunteer for a year and after that join the Fulltime Work of the community. I was blessed to witness the blossoming missions of Cebu, Campus and Mall Tours, conferences here and there and the growing numbers of passionate members. There we started also the first ever-formal training for Mission Volunteers that eventually became the template for other provinces as well. I looked back with a heart filled with thanksgiving. I never could have imagined that I would become a missionary. It was very far from my mind.

Weeks ago I was invited to give a recollection to the new Mission Volunteers numbering around 20 and right after that another recollection for all officers of Campus Base of the province. Not being able to know the MVs and officers was such an affirmation for me, I told a fellow FTW, “This is a great affirmation that we are dispensable in the mission, we come and go and yet the mission continues because this mission in YFC is anointed by the Lord.”

Thank you Lord for the gift of mission and the privilege of serving You. Amen.