What it takes to be Joyful

This week St-Joseph had a feast day, and I was blessed to attend Mass at the Oratory in Montreal.  The homily was given by the Archbishop, and was centered on St-Joseph being un homme confiance.  In english, two meanings to the word “confiance”…a man of “trust and confidence”.  The message was simple:

We are called to be a people of Joy.  In order to do that, however, we must first be a people of  Confiance…of Trust and Confidence. 

Do I Trust the Lord with every fibre of me? Because if I do, then I can be confident “He’s got my back”.  He knows my every worry and is taking care of it.  I can be Joyful.

I was never called to be father of Christ (#bigrole #yougoSt-Joe), but every day in Mission I encounter so many worries, weaknesses, unworthiness… so many reasons to Trust. So many ways I can built in the virtue of Joy!

“The Lord is my portion, says my soul, therefore I will hope in Him!” (Lamentations 3:24)

Published by

Ellen Maigue-Talacca

FTPW reppin' the East Region, but livin' and lovin' the fullness of the mission in the True North. A ball of raw enthusiasm, apparently. Hello to you!