So many times have I desired something or wanted something, knowing that a part of that desire is rooted in pride, or a part of that desire carries a little greed. Sometimes, maybe a lot.
"I can't help but feel this way; I'm only human..."
“BECAUSE I’M HUMAN,” I have found it challenging cause sometimes, I catch myself wanting more … AND MORE… AND MORE. And I justify it, saying, “BECAUSE I’M HUMAN.” What I find I have forgotten in these moments is the simplest thing (and I’ve heard it many times before).
I am human, because AS A CHILD OF GOD, He loved me enough to give me life.
I am human, but I am also a child of God. I am not only a human being called to humanness; in my humanness, I am a child of God called to divinity, like her Father. Therefore, “I am only human,” cannot be an excuse.
Yes, there are things in life that I want.
Yes, often times I don’t get them.
Yes, being human, I’m allowed to be sad about it.
But as a child of God, I am called to acceptance… true acceptance… one that brings Peace.
As a child of God…
My only purpose is to serve the Lord in whichever way He calls me to…
…(even if it’s) in any sort of nothingness. In fact, I rejoice in the emptiness of my self, for it is in that emptiness, I can be filled with His Spirit – His leading. All else that follows this service is a blessing.