We are family

` Dear God, you have truly called me to Love more this weekend. To be honest I was dreading this entire family retreat because truthfully I really didn`t think I needed to spend any more time with my parents. But after what we experienced here together, I`will be returning with my best friends, my shoulders to cry on, my main support, my celebrants, and of course my crew. Thank you Lord for bringing me here to experience this with them; thank you for allowing me to see Your Love through them`

That was the last letter I wrote for the Family Encounter retreat I attended with my family, hosted by the BLD ministry. My parents aren`t a part of the CFC community, but I`m happy nonetheless they are proactive in their faith in this way.

I`m not going to lie; the weekend was a complete disaster up until the last day. It was exhausting, frustrating, seemingly pointless and it really ran my entire family to the end of our nerves. I thought it was all just headed nowhere and would just create even more of a gap in our relationship. But something incredible happened on the last day; the Holy Spirit showed up. I`m not going to go into detail, but I swear I saw the Spirit itself entering my entire family and overwhelm all of us. it was beautiful, heart wrenching, and just plainly freeing. I always wanted my family to be on better terms with each other and the Lord really came and delivered just that. If there`s one thing I learned this weekend aside from how awesome my family really is, it`s that anything really is possible with the Lord.

Holy family, pray for us.

Published by

Fred Balce

Just giving the Lord the opportunity to work in me.