
(May 26, 2016)

2 months of preparation
At least more than 9 committee meetings
Dance practices for at least 6-8 hours each session for 3 weeks
4 memos, with at least more than 3 revisions each
Countless emails
Never ending text messages
Sleepless nights

Sounds so busy and stressful. But I enjoyed all of it; and honestly, I miss it. This year’s Regional Conference in Alberta was supposed to be in Fort McMurray, but for some reason, they gave it to Edmonton. It’s a blessing in disguise I guess, knowing what happened in Fort Mc 2 weeks before our ReCon. Imagine if it was supposed to be in Fort Mc, SFC Alberta won’t have a recon this year.

I can still remember when our couple coordinators, were telling us that ReCon will be in Edmonton, right there and then I told myself that I would want to serve. Back in my mind, I was just thinking of being a runner or even be part of the tech team. Not knowingly that by February, I will be asked to serve as the event head. I first saw it as a challenge, a great way to prove myself, so prideful of me, it was only later on when we were having difficulty looking for a counterpart that I realized this is not for my personal gain, it was only then that I started praying for the service I was asked to do. My first prayer was for the brother to say yes and for God’s grace to guide me as I do my service. It is only then that I was reminded that I am doing this for the Lord, that it is an honor for me to serve our Lord.

The whole journey made changes in my heart. There were moments that I even surprised myself. I am the type of person who plans, and when things don’t go my way, I easily get frustrated and angry. Of course, in service specially with planning an event, A LOT OF THINGS can go wrong. The preparation for ReCon thought me to be patient, and to allow myself to be lead by the Holy Spirit and not to control and force my ways on things. It thought me to be humble. To admit things that I cannot do, to ask for help if I need to, to ask for forgiveness if I did something wrong and most of all, to have a big heart and to be understanding and forgiving.

I learned to trust people.

As the whole event was unfolding in my eyes, I found myself teary eyed several times. SFC Edmonton, is small by number and almost all of us can be considered newbies in terms of running events. We have no clue about technical stuff. But through prayers, talents suddenly just seem to overflow and help came everywhere. People suddenly became more understanding and patient with each other. Titos and Titas from CFC guided us right from the start. Brothers and sisters from other areas were more than willing to give a hand. Everyone was willing to serve and impart his or her time, treasures and God-given talents to showcase how magnificent and amazing our Lord is. When I had time to reflect on everything, it was just amazing. God is amazing!!!

I don’t think there is any better way to show how grateful we are but to use all these gifts He gave us to glorify and serve Him; to allow ourselves to be His instruments in spreading His love and words.

It was a good reminder for me to never doubt God if He asked me to do something for Him. Because when it is God’s will, it will always be amazing. He will equip whom He called. He will make sure that His plans will take place for He is unstoppable! Our God is unstoppable, and with Him nothing is impossible.