Unlimited Victory

The YFC ICON CHRIST UNLIMITED has finished and I am preparing to leave for my immersion area in Negros Occidental. Looking back at the ICON I am very thankful for the experience. I was in the security committee and I was in charge of the security for the Social Actions which is pretty much the pre-ICON.

This ICON was a very different experience from my first ICON last year. One reason being that I was an International delegate last year. The reality is that the international delegates in a way have a comfortable ICON experience. I remember having transportation ready for me when ever I would need to go somewhere, I would be with the other international delegates at the very front just by the stage, we would be in a hotel for the duration of the conference, and there would be a tour after the ICON for us.

This year I was really stretched outside of my comfort zone like I’ve never experienced. I started on the tuesday before the ICON already staying in the BIT (Bohol Institute of Technology) which is the school which the Social Actions will be held. If you’ve never tried sleeping in school, let me tell you it is a far cry from sleeping in a hotel especially if there are 320 of you staying there. Since it started on Tuesday I was serving as Security, corresponding with the Philippine National Police and waking up early to start off the day. After the Social Actions I served as security in the ICON proper where it got even more stressful and we had less sleep than the Social Actions. I wasn’t able to listen to all the sessions as I was in my post most of the time. The biggest struggle for me was probably the heat. I had forgotten how hot it would get and I have never seen my skin turn a charcoal colour before this point.

Despite all the uncomfortable experiences this ICON has to be the best one I have been to yet. The Lord spoke powerfully of His great love through my experience in this ICON. He gave me three messages about the ICON and the mission:

It is not about being comfortable but being grateful for the Lords providence.

It is not about just serving the youth but more importantly being Christ to them.

It in not about just saying yes to God but experiencing His unlimited Love through living out that Yes.

I remember when the ICON finished and feeling stretched and exhausted in many aspects. My body hurt, my mind was tired, I was exhausted, sleepy, and hungry; despite all of that I was happy. I felt fulfilled not because it was over but because the Lord is victorious.

I realized that I haven’t been stretched this much in a very long time. It is in these moments that I feel the most fulfilled at the very edge of my limit. I realize that personally it is in the challenges that the Lord blesses me the most. I remember all the times when I was challenged in preparing for a conference, those were when I slept the most soundly the night after. It is an affirmation that God is our strength and He is Unlimited.

As for now the Lord has won so lets rest for today, tomorrow is another day to serve Him.

Published by

Niccolo Arboleda

A hopeful romantic who finds true Love in Jesus Christ.