Twenty Five Dollars

Believe it or not, this whole reflection happened because I owed my friend $25.

There have been so many times when I felt really loved by the Lord because I felt Him provide for me. The absence of a firm relationship with God led me to my unbelief in providence but I didn’t believe in coincidences as well. Everything was just too good to pass up to chance but I couldn’t accept that Someone was in control of everything that’s happening. I was a mere passerby, grateful for what I’m receiving but not accepting that He is the one to thank.

As I grew deeper in my relationship with God, everything that I have, all that I had and all that I am, I know it’s all because of Him. All that I have and will receive is because of His love for me.

So I owed my friend $25. I was sad because it resulted to me having to take it from my monthly budget allotted for food. I was contemplating on whether I’d just account the $25 as an added expense and just withdraw another $25. I ended up just accepting that I’d have to spend less on food. The next day, after a work meeting, my boss said that she has a gift for all of us for all our hard work so far. Long story short, I received a $25 gift card from Tim Horton’s! How can I not believe that the Lord provides? He gave me no more, no less. I had Timmy’s food for a week and a half but I cherished every white choco macadamia cookie, yogurt with berries, bacon and egg muffin, and every sip of my green tea.

I started thinking of all the little things that reminded me of the Lord’s providence. As I dug deep through my memories, I couldn’t help but smile and thank the Lord all over again. Here are some of the things I remembered:

  1. I was going to commute all the way from Delta to Burnaby for the RYC Victory Party. My co-worker and I shared about our plans after work then I found out she’s going to Burnaby two blocks away from Central Park! So I got a free ride YEY!
  2. One time I left my earphones at home. I was so sad because at my old job, I’d get so sleepy when I start working on my projects. Then my boss randomly came up to me and gave me brand new earphones that he just got that day. YEY!
  3. I was on the way home from work. I was very smart to base the weather on what the previous day’s weather was. But living in Vancouver, I should have known better. It was pouring and I battled the rain with flats on, no jacket and no umbrella. As I was impatiently waiting for the bus, a sister from my home chapter came up to me and shared her umbrella with me. Share an umbrella, win a friend. YEY!

Oh man, the Lord is so good to me. He knows my every need and provides for me all the time. His goodness will never be unknown to me anymore.

Lord, I steady my heart on the ground of Your goodness. You are the source of my joy. Amen.