True Sight

The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light; but if your eye is unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!

Matthew 6:22-23

When I was young I denied that my eyesight was going bad. I denied it for months. Finally, when I couldn’t stand it anymore (I was failing almost every subject because I couldn’t see the blackboard and projector screen), I went to the eye doctor. A few days later I got glasses.

And I remember walking outside for the first time. I had to keep taking them off and putting them back on, I couldn’t believe that this is what things really looked like. I could see every leaf on the tree. All the petals and flowers in the garden. Every cloud in the sky. I remember kicking myself in the butt for denying myself of all this beauty for so long.

It’s the same with my sins. I think one of the best and worst parts about me is that I’m very aware of what’s going on. When I sin, it’s not by accident or because I didn’t know better. I know. I don’t accidentally break a fast. I just straight up break it. I don’t make bad decisions because of the situation I’m in or the stress that I’m under. I just straight up make bad decisions. I don’t just get caught up in the moment and talk bad about others, I formulate my words and thoughts and let out my judgements and anger. And I know it. And I know what the consequences of my actions will be. And I still do it.

But I also know, 100%, that there is something greater out there. I know that there has been a place prepared for those who love our God. And I know that if I keep refusing to see the beauty and glory all around me, I’m gonna miss out.