Tough Love

One definition I would use if I were to define “love”, is that it would be a conscious decision to lay ones life down for the other. The best example of love in action can be found in the life of Jesus who willingly laid down his life for his brothers and sisters that they may have eternal life,  but it did not mean he didn’t have a hard time doing this. This past weekend I was reminded of how human Jesus really was during his time of ministry.

If one were to look into the bible, it can be found that Jesus had very human emotions and feelings. He felt anger (Mark 11:15), he felt sad (John 11:35), he was tired (Mark 6:13), he was afraid (Mark 14:36), and he felt alone (Mark 15:34). These are emotions/feelings that I am sure all of us have felt in some way in our lives.

I have felt all of these emotions in this past week and there were so many moments where I did not know what to do, other than pray. When I pray, I feel a sense of peace knowing that the Lord is listening to me, so for this past week all I have been asking the lord was “what is it that you want me to do”?

During my multiple times of reflection, I came to the realization that every day should be a day to learn something new and to really let the Lord into ones life, one must be vulnerable to the leadings of what God gives us everyday. This also means to accept the things we cannot control and to have faith that God is leading is in the way to holiness.

Praise God for this community and the people who have come to know the Lord. If there’s one thing that I know for sure, is that the Lord answers our prayers and that I was reminded of how loved I am.

A sister shared with me a quote from the journal of St. Teresa of Avila. “It seems very easy to say that we will surrender our will to someone, until we try it and realize that it is the hardest thing we can do if we carry it out as we should… The Lord knows what each of us can bear, and when he sees that one of us is strong, he does not hesitate to fulfill his will in that person. Would you like to see how He treats those who make this prayer, ‘Your will be done’ from their hearts? He gives His gifts in proportion to the love which He bears us. He gives more to those whom He loves most, and He gives in accordance with the courage which he sees that each of us has and the love we can bear for Him. When He sees a soul who loves him greatly, he knows that soul can suffer much for him, whereas one who loves him little will suffer little. For my own part, I believe that Love is the measure of our ability to bear crosses, whether great or small.”

To love is one of the toughest things one can do for ones brothers and sisters. This past week, there have been times where I would do is gather all my thoughts, and think that I have to deal with everything all at once, but a good reminder was to take things one step at a time, and to deal with it over time. To love is also a decision and sometimes we need to take it one step at a time to see how we can love the best in any given moment.

I hope that you, the reader, take your time when making a decision and allow that decision to be out of selfless love so that you may be at peace knowing that God will be glorified.

And with that, may God be forever praised.

Published by

Rey Marc Viray-Regalado

Hi :) My name is Rey Marc. I currently serve in the Metro Region as a Mission Volunteer & as YCOM Area Head for the GTA.