Together As One

We had attended a Patriach Mass in the past weekend, and it was definitely an experience to remember. During the Mass, there were 3 choirs. One from Couples For Christ, and two African choirs! For specific parts of the Mass like the Lamb of God and the songs sung at Communion, the choirs took turns singing their songs in English or their own languages. And for the Offertory, the different cultures that had attended presented their gifts in cultural ways and in cultural dress. Filipinos wore barongs and kimonas, and Africans were almost dancing in a prance, bringing up baskets of fruits and other food! However, the most beautiful thing about this was that what I was seeing was a living testament to the UNION God brings. To understand this, one must understand where I currently live…

In Israel, I’ve heard so many brothers and sisters warn me about being careful because of the specific cultures around us. Some Catholics are treated with different levels of discrimination as we are a minority, and specific “types” of people should be avoided because they’re “dangerous”. And St. Anthony – the parish where we attended the Patriach Mass – is typically filled with Filipinos. So when I walked in to see the diversity of cultures and to hear the culture come to life even in the Mass, I could not help, but think, “Yes, Lord, this is my dream right before me… UNITY.”

I don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s the state of the Catholic culture here, but one thing is for sure, I am thankful for the hardships and oppressions I have witnessed to and experienced here because if not for them, I would not see this tear-jerking beauty in something as simple as seeing a diversity in the parishoners at Mass! I wouldn’t see such value in all this unity…

Despite the hardships, despite the oppressions, people sacrifice their time and energy right after a lifestyle of taking care of other families to bring their own family to Christ. And despite the stereotypes and labels, it is all put aside in one celebration and shared with one another with humililty, respect, and beauty. One thing is for sure, if one could not find this unity out in one’s every-day-life, we all found it in the Lord in His church. At the end of the day, even the secular understanding of “unity” affirms me of what lies in the faith of the people here…

UNION – a state of HARMONY or agreement.

It is only in the Lord that in any sort of hardship or dispute, one finds Peace and is brought to Perfect Harmony. In this sense, the Church became my example. In my own struggles, the Lord is my strength. And because of this, division cannot exist in my heart, my mind, and in all that I am. I must strive to always be ONE WITH THE LORD, ONE WITH THOSE AROUND ME, living out ONE FAMILY throughout the world. If there is something I could take out of this, it is that it isn’t easy to be “one”… What IS easy is to see The One, Who is continuously loving us in every moment. Therefore, in actuality, to be “TOGETHER AS ONE” is to be TOGETHER IN GOD, WHO IS LOVE.

“A new commandment I give to you,
that you love one another;
even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
By this all men will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.”

(JOHN 13: 34-35)

Thank you, Lord for these reminders.
Thank you, Lord for being Harmony in my life.


Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us…
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us…
Holy Spirit, fill us as You will…
