The Road to Vocation

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you” -John15:16

This weekend was a blessed one for me as I was able to go for my first mission trip together with my fellow SFC mission volunteer here in Alberta to Fort McMurray. I serve in their Knight Tales Retreat. It was only a two day stay there but it feels like a lot had happened during the weekend. From our travel to our retreat up to the attending a mass for the ordination of a deacon.

The Travel- From my place in Claresholm Alberta the travel was supposedly more than 8 hours non-stop but I had to do some stops to pick up the other co-MV in Calgary and Edmonton, Mark, Gem and Vince, that will also serve on the KT/PD Retreat. I started my travel at 4 pm. The drive was good until we got to a road block due to an accident and had to go to a detour that makes the travel longer. We had to travel around and unfortunately the GPS and cellphone signal was not on our side- in short, we got lost a few times and missed some of our turns. The paved road ended and we started to drive on a gravel road. That is the time that I started to get worried but I believed God has a better plan. I know that even though we were worried we just decided to just enjoy the company of one another in the car and started to interact and have fun. Our travel got extended to 3 more hours as we arrived around 4:40am in Fort McMurray. But I was happy because we were able to make new friends and share stories.

The Retreat- The Knight’s Tale Retreat is part of the first-year formation for a brother in SFC. It talks about Manhood and I was so blessed to able to share my journey together with all my brother Knights and participants in Fort McMurray. I was assigned to cook with Mark and give a talk. I was also able to explore my musicality to do percussion instrument (the cajon). This retreat had really push me to do the extra mile service for my brothers in SFC. Sharing my journey and stories to the younger brothers. We did a lot of activities and it really give me a better perspective about my mission and journey here at SFC. It made me refresh all the learning that I got when I attended my Knights tale retreat. I really enjoy the walk to Emmaus activity because it made me recommit again 2 people that I want to bring back to God.  Being with the brothers for the whole weekend makes me look forward and be excited for the vocation that I want to choose from. They say SFC is a transitory ministry under the Couple for Christ. This is where we decide if we are for the married life, single blessedness or for the holy orders. And whatever vocation we choose God will always be the center of it.


The Northern Lights- Just a bonus for our mission, I was able to see the Nothern Lights once again. It reminded me of God’s Love and His magnificent with all of its creation.

The Ordination- On our last day in Fort McMurray we attended a mass for the ordination of a new deacon of the church. Although I don’t know personally the new Deacon Jestoni Porras, I was so happy for him because he was able to fulfill his call for the vocation. I was so moved when he said the phrase “I am Yours” to the crowd. Everybody cheer for him. I was asking myself when will I be able to say that. When will I be able to say that “I am fully Yours Lord”, no matter what vocation I choose from. I’m looking for ward for that day. Im looking forward that God will give me my hearts desire for my vocation. And I will continue praying for the vocation that God had plan for. For the meantime, I will continue to enjoy my journey and focus on the mission that God has given me.


My road to vocation is still a long way. Along the journey I will meet a lot of people that will also join me on my adventure, people that will make the travel fun and enjoyable and make the travel easy. Sometimes we will encounter pit stops, detours and blockage but I know I’m with the people that God put in my life, so I don’t have to worry. I may only see a few kilometers in front of me but I know where I’m going.