The New You


“The secret of changes is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on BUILDING the NEW.”-Socrates

I went for a holiday last week,and while on vacation we had our monthly meeting as MVA and teaching about our discernment “One Desire”.

Where I am right now on my discernment?How do I pray and pursue my relationship with my God?

Sometimes in my life I still have lots of question about my spiritual journey,I have fears, yes as human I have fears what will happen in the future, is it going to be okay, or is this the decision the Lord wants for me. Sometimes I get weak too in my faith, I feel spiritual dryness too, but I fight it with prayer and seeking him more. During Evony’s talk she said that “He calls us to come to him, not to run away from Him, if I need to crawl going to Him then crawl. I have the tendency to run but because I am New now I would rather crawl, slowly but I’m sure its the way to be closer to Him. One of my friend said during the time when I hit the rock bottom of my life.” Mark you are already here, you cannot go back to the Old you.This is your new journey and He will not bring you to this point if your just going to the Old you.” Yes its true everything happens because its his plan,this is me now discerning for what the Lords wants for me and answering what calling I have. For wherever direction I will go, for sure He will lead me because I already allow him to handle the wheel of my life. So where I am right now, I’m still on my way ,trying , doing my best to be more closer to him, to listen to Him, trusting and surrendering everything. Because I know I can’t do anything without Him.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”Philippians 4:13 

This is a new me, one of  the Mission Volunteer Applicant, praying,discerning and surrendering to my Creator and Saviour.Serving to the community and to my fellow brothers and sister.He brings me here so I will embrace all his plans for me because i don’t have plan to travel going back to the old me.

“Yet not what I want,but what you want.”Matthew 26:39


Let Jesus lead the way, and let Him be more in your life.

